BR Kids Baptism

· For Kids

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions kids tend to ask about baptism. These questions and answers can also be used to review with kids after they have watched the baptism video.

1) Do you need to go all the way under the water to be baptized?
Yes! For just a second — like when you are jumping into a pool. You will go under the water and then pop back up again. This symbolizes Jesus washing you of all your sins! But remember, it’s NOT the water that cleanses you of your sins; Jesus did that when you asked Him to be the Leader of your life!

2) Does baptism save you from the punishment of sin and death?
No. Baptism does NOT save you from the punishment of sin and death. The moment you pray to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and ask Him to be the Leader of your life, is the moment you are SAVED from the punishment of sin and death. We are baptized AFTER we make Jesus the Leader and Forgiver of our life. (FUN FACT: In Luke 23:43 Jesus is on the cross, He looks to a criminal who is also on a cross and says, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” That man was never baptized but he was saved!)

3) Who should get baptized?
God commands anyone who has made Jesus the Leader and Forgiver of their life to be baptized.

4) Why do we get baptized?
To obey God, to show God we love Him, and to show others that we have decided to follow Jesus.

Download FAQs

If you're ready to be baptized, or are considering it, please watch the video above, and then visit our main Baptism page to complete the Baptism Application. Someone will be in contact with you after you submit your application.