Having worked as a social worker for many years, I felt it was a good fit when Julia Torrence asked me to join the Helps Ministry, now called Blue Ridge Caring Ministries, to be the Meals Coordinator. That was in 1996, and I am still serving today.

I have met many wonderful people through the Meals Ministry. I could tell you many stories about how God has used it to grow my faith and the faith of others. One story in particular comes to mind.

We received a referral for an older lady who lived alone in an apartment. She needed meals since she fell and broke her arm and was unable to do any cooking. I was one of the people who had the honor to take meals to her and get to know her.

She was a spirited and delightful lady who always made me laugh. It turned out that she needed help with everyday chores such as taking out the trash and opening the lids on jars. At one point, she decided to move out of her apartment and move in with family. A group of us from Blue Ridge went over to help her pack, and the Moving Ministry helped her move.

She began attending Blue Ridge and came to Christ. She shared with someone that one of the things that moved her closer to God was all of the people who showed love to her and helped her in her time of need. Wow! It is amazing to be even a small part of that story!

I feel that God has placed me in the Meals Ministry to grow and stretch me spiritually and to allow me to use my spiritual gifts. I always feel closer to God when I am able to help someone else. This ministry is very much appreciated by both those who serve and those who are served.

Learn more about serving in the Meals Ministry.