Spiritual Gifts Discovery

ยท For Adults

"In Ephesians 2:10, Paul tells us that followers of Jesus are saved for far more than a destination. They are saved to play a part in the grand restoration of God's kingdom on earth." Find your Place: Locating Your Calling Through Your Gifts, Passions, and Story, by Rob Wegner

Spiritual Gifts Discovery is a three-week class that meets on Monday nights from 7-8:30 pm, beginning on February 8, to go through the book, "Find Your Place: Locating Your Calling Through Your Gifts, Passions, and Story", by Rob Wegner. Each week will begin with a brief teaching before attendees will be gathered into smaller breakout groups led by table leaders.

Participants are asked to acquire the book, "Find Your Place: Locating Your Calling Through Your Gifts, Passions, and Story" which enables them to complete an online assessment. (Approximately $16.) (Click the linked book title to purchase it on Amazon.)

Come discover your spiritual gifts, and be introduced to opportunities where you can use them at Blue Ridge, the Bedford Community, and beyond!