The Cowards

3 minute read

David & Naomi Coward have served in Southeast Asia with Wycliffe Bible Translators since the '80s, helping to translate Scripture into minority native languages.

Naomi graduated from Liberty Baptist College with a degree in Missions, while David graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in Engineering. Some years later, while on furlough, David also earned a Master’s Degree. Though their work has at times been interrupted by local violence (they had to be evacuated for a time in 1999) and government restrictions, David and Naomi have creatively continued the work God has given them.

They currently serve from North Carolina, where they telecommute with the translation team via e-mail and Skype, reviewing and editing the team’s drafted Scripture portions. The Cowards travel to the language area two or three times a year to work directly with the team on revisions. 

Some of their other work includes training the team in translation principles, data management, and basic computer skills. Naomi also helps them and others in the area with the development of village libraries. David consults in the area of translation software development.

Please be in prayer for the local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the language area, which is made up of mother tongue translators. They are currently navigating the red tape involved in getting registered with their government’s Department of Religion so they will be able to sponsor visas for expert translation consultants, including David and Naomi.

Also pray for those times the Cowards are with the translation team because there can be spiritual opposition that often comes in the form of problems with equipment, sickness, distractions in the form of family issues, bad weather that prevents people from traveling by boat and air, and a kind of fog that settles in the brain, obscuring the Word. Please continue to pray that the power of the Bible in their own language will penetrate their hearts with the Truth, changing lives for His Kingdom.

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