It may surprise you to know that the friendly faces you see at the Reception Desk at Blue Ridge are all volunteers. We asked two of them to share about serving in this role.

I’ve been serving as a receptionist for several years now. I love helping and praying for people. I don’t feel like it’s work, but ministry. I’m not helping to fill a spot, but to answer a need.

One thing I love about Blue Ridge is that there isn’t anything that holds anyone back from being served. There’s always someone available to help anyone who calls or walks in the door — anybody who has a need will feel loved here, especially those who don’t like church. We help those nobody else will help.

Another thing that I love about serving in this role is that I’ve been able to sharpen my administrative skills, which has helped in other areas of my life.

But mostly I love the opportunities I get to talk to people and pray with them, and forming relationships with the staff. Serving at the reception desk has stretched me, and I’ve learned that if God is calling you to do something, you’d better be ready!

I’ve served at the front desk for a couple years on Friday afternoons. Even if I don’t go anywhere the rest of the week, I’m there on Fridays. I love meeting and talking to people who call and come in and interacting with the staff.

I’m also a kind of perfectionist, so I love it when I get jobs like cutting cards and handouts, assembling books and even cleaning the fridge. God has helped me come out of my comfort zone and get closer to people. Serving as a receptionist has helped me find a sense of worth and belonging.

The Reception Team is always glad to welcome new volunteers. If this is an area you are interested in checking out, please visit our Serve page and fill out the form on the right.