As part of Jeremy’s message on the Woman at the Well , Roy and Dawn Emeigh shared their story of growing closer to God. Dawn shares more here about what it’s been like transitioning from her work in a corporate setting to becoming Blue Ridge’s coordinator for Guest Services.

Not long ago, my back door was badly damaged and required a construction crew to come in to repair it. A group of about five burly guys came early one morning and wasted no time in beginning the process.

I left for work that morning to the sound of wood being splintered and ripped from its frame and hardwoods being pulled away to reveal the damage underneath. I cringed at the sight and sound of it all and left feeling a little unsettled at the ugliness that was exposed.

When I arrived home in early evening, the crew was gone, the house totally silent. I turned on a light and looked—and there it was—a new door encased in new framing and a new section of hardwood flooring blending in with the old as if it had always been there.

After standing and gazing at it for a long moment, I couldn’t help myself, I had to walk right over and try out the door. Opening it and walking out on our back deck, I stared at it like a long lost friend. I had left that morning in the midst of chaos and destruction but the crew had finished the work they started and it was better than I had expected.

So it is with Christ’s construction in our lives.

This month, I resigned my position and left behind a career of 20 years in order to follow Him in obedience and enter into ministry. I have experienced many emotions as I reflected back upon the work God began in me more than a year ago that has led to this decision. Areas of my life were pulled up and ripped out, so that things that needed work could be exposed and changes could be made.

The process was sometimes painful as Jesus—the expert carpenter—carefully revealed to me that in order to prepare for the new I had to uproot the old. Some of the work was difficult to look at but absolutely necessary for the journey.

And this week as I gazed upon His work of restoration and repair in these areas of my life, I marveled at His completed project that was far better than anything I could have done by my own power. My Heavenly Father had installed a new door. And I couldn’t stop staring at it. The work he had been doing in my life over this last year was finally finished. I know there are more projects right around the corner, but for today I heard His gentle voice impressing on me, “go ahead, my dear daughter, walk toward it and open that door.” And as I did, I thanked Him with a grateful heart for His love. And for new beginnings.

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)