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At A Tree


Dave Kountz

Success, by the world’s standard, feels safe, secure, and right. Times of achievement and accomplishment—with the wind at our back—can set us up for reliance and confidence in ourselves instead of a dependency on Christ. When the mountaintop is under our feet and the valley is a distant memory, our need for God might not seem like the most pressing issue in life. Have you been there? Maybe that’s where you find yourself right now. But in the midst of “life is good” is there still that nagging sense that something is missing? Zacchaeus felt it and went to great lengths to explore what could fill the emptiness in his life. In this message, we will hear about his journey toward a Savior and how Jesus drew near to him even when Zacchaeus believed he had it all covered. In times of great success, Jesus is close by and seeks to bring a deeper meaning to how we should live.

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